
helps you build the product users need

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Themes analysis
Listen to ALL your users and build the
products they admire

Ferilla Discovery is your new Product Discovery Copilot, aggregating and analysing
feedback from all your customer touch points, user interviews and in-product feedback.

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Ferilla Discovery: Uncover Customers Insights.
Harmonise your organisation.

Never miss a piece of user feedback.

Ferilla Discovery makes it easy to aggregate and find all your user feedback. No matter how your users and stakeholders are giving you feedback – ensure you
capture every valuable insight.

Deep User Insights in minutes

Automatically extract themes and summaries from your feedback in minutes. AI powered engines process unstructured feedback, automatically tag it, find commonalities across and summarise it for you!

Orchestrate team alignment

Share your insights and drive your product decisions substantiated by real user feedback. Maximise the ROI of all features you invest in.

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